Ragazza che fa la calza


Giovanni Segantini1858 Arco – 1899 Schafberg (Pontresina)
We have 9 artworks by Giovanni Segantini online.
We have 1820 paintings online.
This popular painting by Segantini shows his favourite model Baba (Barbara) Uffer (1873-1935) outside the village of Savognin. His signature on the upper fence bar hides the church clock. Art disempowers time. Near Savognin, excluded from civilization, the desire for harmony between man and nature can supposedly be fulfilled in the light-filled vastness.
Also known as
Ragazza nel sole che fa la calza / facendo calze Strickendes Mädchen Girl Knitting in Savognin Fillette tricotant
Oil on canvas
image: 53 x 91.5 cm
Inventory number
Credit line
Kunsthaus Zürich, The Gottfried Keller Foundation, Federal Office of Culture, Berne, 1909