Die Sünde, vom Tode verfolgt


Henry Fuseli1741 Zürich – 1825 Putney Hill/London
We have 116 artworks by Henry Fuseli online.
We have 1820 paintings online.
According to Milton's conception, sin sprang from Satan's head as Athena sprang from Zeus' head. From its union with Satan, Sin gave birth to Death, with whom in turn it conceived the hounds of Hell (Milton, Paradise Lost, II, 975-1048). Painted as painting no. 7 for the Milton Gallery, a series of 47 paintings on the life and works of John Milton (1608-1674), which Füssli executed on his own initiative and presented to the public in 1799 and 1800. Stipple engraving by Moses Haughton from 1804, cf. David H. Weinglass: Prints and engraved Illustrations by and after Henry Fuseli. A catalogue raisonné (Aldershot 1994) no. 188.
Also known as
Die Sünde, vom Tod verfolgt. Milton, Paradise Lost II, 787 ff. Sin, Pursued by Death
Oil on canvas
image: 119 x 132 cm
Inventory number
Credit line
Kunsthaus Zürich, The Gottfried Keller Foundation, Federal Office of Culture, Berne, 1926