Der Apostel Simon


Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn1606 Leiden – 1669 Amsterdam
We have 10 artworks by Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn online.
We have 1822 paintings online.
The apostle Simon is said to have suffered martyrdom in Persia by being quartered with a saw; accordingly, Rembrandt depicts him as an old carpenter pausing to meditate while sawing a tree trunk. The painting belongs to a group of similar 'Portraits historiés' of apostles from Rembrandt's late period.
Also known as
Apostle Simon L’Apôtre Simon
Oil on canvas
image: 98.5 x 79 cm
Inventory number
R 26
Credit line
Kunsthaus Zürich, The Ruzicka Foundation, 1949