Bain au soir d'été


Félix Vallotton1865 Lausanne – 1925 Neuilly-sur-Seine, Paris
We have 39 artworks by Félix Vallotton online.
We have 1821 paintings online.
The complex composition, Vallotton's first major work, prepared in an oil study, processes numerous historical reminiscences by Cranach, Botticelli and Renoir, among others, in the ironic manner of the Nabis. At the Salon des Indépendants in 1893, the painting achieved the provoked 'succès de scandal' under the title 'L'Eté - femmes se baignant dans piscine de briques, en plein air'.
Also known as
Das Bad am Sommerabend Bathing on a Summer Evening
Oil on canvas
image: 97 x 131 cm
Inventory number
Credit line
Kunsthaus Zürich, Gottfried Keller Foundation, Federal Office of Culture, Berne, 1965