Rovine della Kreuzkirche di Dresda


Bernardo Bellotto1721 Venedig – 1780 Warschau
We have 3 artworks by Bernardo Bellotto online.
We have 1821 paintings online.
In 1760, Prussian bombardments during the Seven Years' War burned down the nave of the Kreuzkirche; during reconstruction, the rear half of the tower also collapsed on June 22, 1765. Bellotto painted the first copy of the composition for the first exhibition of the Dresden Academy; it was acquired for the Dresden Gallery, where it alone represented Bellotto's art until around 1830. The present replica was probably created as a presentation piece for the Polish king, to whom Bellotto went in 1767 in search of a new employer who would not let him leave.
Also known as
Die Ruinen der Kreuzkirche in Dresden The Ruins of the Kreuzkirche in Dresden Les Ruines de l’église Sainte-Croix à Dresde
Oil on canvas
image: 84.5 x 107.3 cm
Inventory number
KS 70
Credit line
Kunsthaus Zürich, The Betty and David Koetser Foundation, 1994