Musik auf der Karl Johan Strasse


Edvard Munch1863 Løiten (Hedmark) – 1944 Ekely (Oslo)
We have 29 artworks by Edvard Munch online.
We have 1822 paintings online.
Depicted is a parade of military music on the Karl Johan Gade in Oslo. Munch probably painted the boy with the umbrella into the picture later and intensified the colour in places. Høifødt tried to decipher the specific meaning of the painting as a critical distance from the Oslo bohemian scene. The couple seen from behind on the front left would be Christian Krohg with Oda Lasson; the gentleman on the front right would be her first husband Jørgen Engelhart, with their two children in between. The two couples behind them also contrast the irresponsible bohemian and moral bourgeois attitude: on the left, a characteristic seduction scene of a well-off gentleman and a poor young woman who has moved into prostitution; on the right, a married couple, Harald and Åse Nørregaard.
Also known as
Music on the Karl Johan Street Musique dans la rue Karl Johan Musikken på Karl Johan [original]
Oil on canvas
image: 101.5 x 140.5 cm
Inventory number
Credit line
Kunsthaus Zürich, 1941