La Mort de Bara. D'après Jacques-Louis David


Edgar Degas, artist1834 Paris – 1917 Paris
Copy after Jacques-Louis David1748 Paris – 1825 Brüssel
We have 14 artworks by Edgar Degas online. We have 1 artwork by Jacques-Louis David online.
We have 1823 paintings online.
Copy after the painting by Jacques-Louis David in the Musée Calvet in Avignon (118 x 155 cm), which Degas visited in 1855. The original is similarly subtle in execution and the slightly higher background is only created in the Frottis ('rubbed') technique. The story of Joseph Bara originates from the news of the heroic death of a 13-year-old in the Vendée, who, according to a letter read out in the convent on December 8, 1793, 'was surrounded yesterday by highwaymen and would rather die than hand over to them the two horses he was traveling with.' (cf. Ekkehard Mai/Anke Repp-Eckert (eds.): Triumph und Tod des Helden. Europäische Historienmalerei von Rubens bis Manet (exh. cat. Cologne/Zurich/Lyon 1987/88), no. 20).
Also known as
Der Tod des Bara (Nach Jacques-Louis David) The Death of Bara (After Jacques-Louis David)
Oil on canvas
image: 40 x 70 cm
Inventory number
Credit line
Kunsthaus Zürich, Bequest of Hans Naef, 2001