Portrait de Suzanne de Boubers de Bernâtre, épouse de Balthasar Keller


Hyacinthe Rigaud1659 Perpignan – 1743 Paris
We have 2 artworks by Hyacinthe Rigaud online.
We have 1654 paintings online.
Mentioned in the 'Livre de raison' under 1686, for the price of 330 pounds. Counterpart to inv. 209.
Also known as
Bildnis Suzanne de Boubers de Bernâtre, Gemahlin des Balthasar Keller Portrait of Suzanne de Boubers de Bernâtre, Wife of Balthasar Keller
Oil on canvas
image: 140 x 107 cm
Inventory number
Credit line
Kunsthaus Zürich, Keller Collection, 1854